
 "Resentment is the poison we brew for others, yet end up drinking ourselves, leaving bitterness in our hearts instead of the satisfaction we seek."


This portrays resentment as a harmful emotion that affects not only others but also ourselves, leading to bitterness rather than resolution.

"Resentment is the poison we brew for others" likens resentment to a toxic concoction that we create with the intention of harming others emotionally. It reflects the negative energy we direct toward someone we feel wronged by.

"yet end up drinking ourselves" suggests that in the process of harboring resentment, we unintentionally internalize its negative effects. We become emotionally affected by the bitterness we generate.

"leaving bitterness in our hearts instead of the satisfaction we seek" illustrates that instead of achieving a sense of satisfaction or justice, holding onto resentment results in personal bitterness. The negativity we direct toward others rebounds onto us, leaving us with a heavy heart.


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