
 "Ambition without persistence is merely a dream, but persistence without ambition is a wandering path."

Ambition provides us with a vision of what we want to accomplish, while persistence gives us the determination to keep working towards that goal, even in the face of obstacles and setbacks.

Without persistence, our ambition remains merely a dream, something that we may desire but never actually achieve. On the other hand, persistence without ambition can lead us down a wandering path, where we are expending energy without a clear direction or purpose.

To truly achieve our goals, we need both ambition and persistence. We must be clear about what we want to accomplish and then put in the sustained effort and perseverance required to make it happen.

Ambition and persistence are two sides of the same coin, and we need both to turn our dreams into reality. Without one or the other, our efforts may be futile or lead us astray.


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