Vision and foresight

 "Vision is seeing what's possible, but foresight is seeing what's necessary to make it a reality."

Vision is the ability to imagine and see a future that is different from the present. It involves creative thinking and a willingness to explore new possibilities and ideas. On the other hand, foresight is the ability to anticipate what will be required to make that vision a reality. It involves planning, analysis, and a focus on practical considerations.

Having a vision is important, but it is only the first step towards achieving our goals. To turn that vision into reality, we need foresight, which involves developing a clear plan, anticipating potential challenges and obstacles, and taking the necessary steps to overcome them.

Think big and imagine new possibilities while also recognize the importance of practicality and planning. By combining vision and foresight, we can create a roadmap for achieving our goals and making our vision a reality.

Therefore, cultivate both vision and foresight in lives, recognize that they are complementary skills that can help us to achieve our goals and create positive change in the world.


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