Self Compete

 "Self-compete: strive to be better than you were yesterday, not better than others today."

Often, we are taught to compete with others and strive to be better than them in order to achieve success and recognition. However, this approach can be limiting and ultimately unsatisfying, as it relies on external validation and comparison rather than internal fulfillment and progress.

In contrast, self-compete is about striving to be the best version of ourselves, without comparing ourselves to others or seeking external validation. It involves setting our own goals and benchmarks for success, and measuring our progress based on our own personal growth and development.

By focusing on self-compete, we can cultivate a sense of inner fulfillment and satisfaction, as we are not relying on external validation or comparison to define our worth or success. Instead, we are focused on our own growth and progress, and on becoming the best version of ourselves that we can be.

In essence, self-compete is about challenging ourselves to grow and develop, while honoring our own unique path and journey. It is about recognizing that we are all on our own unique path and timeline, and that true success and fulfillment come from embracing and honoring our own journey, rather than comparing ourselves to others.


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