
 "Power is a flame that can either illuminate the darkness with benevolence or consume everything in its path with tyranny; it's the wielder who decides the destiny of its blaze."


This presents power as a force that can be used for both positive and negative purposes, and it emphasizes the responsibility of those who possess it.

"Power is a flame that can either illuminate the darkness with benevolence" uses the metaphor of a flame to describe power. Like a flame that brings light to darkness, power can be used to bring positive change, improve lives, and uplift others.

"or consume everything in its path with tyranny" illustrates the potential destructive nature of power. If used recklessly or with ill intent, power can lead to oppression, injustice, and negative outcomes.

"it's the wielder who decides the destiny of its blaze" underscores the importance of the person wielding power. It's the intentions and actions of those in power that determine whether it is used for good or harm.


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